Factors Affecting Selection Process. There are key components of the selection process. These components are the essence which can either make the process successful.
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Factors Affecting Selection Process
Deciding on Terms of Appointment.
a. Terms of appointment.
Having decided on the grade and rank of the staff required, and the timing concerned, the department should consider what the most appropriate terms of. appointment would be. This should take into account the nature of the duties to be performed and the overall manpower deployment of the department.
The different terms of appointment that can be offered are –
- Permanent and pensionable;
- Agreement terms;
- Temporary terms (month-to-month or day-to-day);
- Part-time.
b. Flexibility.
To minimize recruitment difficulties as well as attract and retain the best people, there is flexibility, which includes recruitment overseas, the offer of agreement terms, lowering entry qualifications and granting incremental credit for experience.
c. During probation.
Staff is introduced to the mission, objectives, and values of .the civil service and their departments. Probation is a serious process which provides regular feedback on performance and assesses suitability for I employment in the civil service.
d. On-the-job training.
Staff should be exposed to the different duties required for their rank In this way they can learn the skills expected of them and managers can verify their long-term suitability;
Probation Supervision and Guidance.
Staff should receive close and sympathetic, supervision and guidance to’enable problems and difficulties to be identified early and timely counseling ‘or other action to be taken. Newly joined staff must be told the length of their probationary period, which varies with the requirements of each grade. If there are indications that staff is not suitable for confirmation, they must be counseled and then warned in Writing if the problem persists.
Confirmation is the step whereby a member of staff on probation is found suitable for the job and employed on permanent and pensionable terms. Factors affecting Selection Process.
The Selection Process.
Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have the necessary qualifications to perform a particular job well. Organizations differ as to the complexity of their selection systems. Some organizations make a strategic decision to fill positions quickly and inexpensively by scanning over application blanks and hiring individuals based on this information alone. Other organizations, however, make a strategic decision to choose the best person. Each element in this process is given below.
Application Blanks and Resumes.
Examining resumes and having the applicant fill put an application blank usually do the initial screening of potential employees Application blank usually include information regarding the name and address of the applicant, work history, education, training, skills, and reference.
Most organizations ask an applicant for a list of references to include previous supervisors or coworkers. Since the employee generates this list of references, these individuals will most likely present a positive image of the applicant. Letter of recommendation is also considered a type of reference.
Reliability and Validity in Testing.
Test reliability means that the test is consistent in its measurement. Two common types of reliability are discussed: ‘Stability and internal consistency. Both stability and consistency rely on a correlation coefficient as the index for reliability.
Validity in Testing.
Especially, if a test is valid, it accurately and consistently measures what it purports to measure. A test ‘must be reliable if it is valid but the reliability of a test does not ensure validity. Thus a test, might accurately and consistently measure “something” but if the human resource managers do not know what that “something” is, the test is reliable but not valid.
Organizations with a defender strategy have narrow and relatively stable product-market domains. As a result of their narrow focus, these types of organizations seldom make major changes in their technology, structure, or methods of operation. They devote most , of their attention to improving efficiency. Defenders emphasize making employees rather than buying highly trained or educated employees. Thus little recruiting is done above the entry-level and selection is based on weeding out undesirable or unqualified applicants. Defenders emphasize training their employees and usually have formal and extensive training programs.
Thus, defenders might choose to use attainability tests or to give mental ability or aptitude tests to identify those individuals most likely to‘learn from training. Finally, defenders Will usually seek out people with backgrounds in finance or production. given their narrow and stable market.
Organizations with a prospector strategy search “for product and market opportunities and experiment with responses to emerging environmental trends. Often these types of organizations create change and certainty to which competing organizations must respond Prospectors emphasize “buying” their employees rather than making employees through elaborate training programs. Recruiting methods are sophisticated at all levels of the hierarchy and efforts ere focused on identifying appropriate skills and acquiring these qualified individuals. Given the emphasis on ‘buying,’ employees training programs are limited. Thus prospectors might prefer to use work sample tests as a selection device. Finally, because prospectors seek to exploit new product and market domains they often look for individuals with basic f marketing or engineering research skills.
Temporary Employees.
The best ways to utilize temporary employees is to have them fill short-term: work requirements. Managerial and technical workers have become available through temporary agencies. Organizations must be careful when using a particular temporary worker for a long period of time.
Employee Leasing.
A growing approach to solving long-term contingency needs is the use of employees leasing. Firms lease employees for long-term or indefinite time periods from companies who specialize in providing workers to client firms. The leasing company maintains the ability to hire and the employees; is responsible for paying the employees and providing benefits.
Independent Contractors.
Hiring independent contractors are one of the oldest most long-standing methods of tilling contingent; personnel requirements. Many companies, for example, currently hire independent contractors for maintenance or security work. Factors affecting Selection Process.
Socialization and Orientation.
The socialization and orientation of an employee can be critical to the employee’s acceptance of his or her new role and subsequent performance. This process ensures that employee commitment will be increased and that decisions regarding recruitment and selection are crucial for effective organizational performance.
Factors affecting Selection Process.
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