Human Resource Management

Difference Between Personnel Management and HRM


Difference between personnel management and HRM.

Personnel Management

Personnel Management is a part of management that deals with the recruitment, hiring, staffing, development, and compensation of the workforce and their relation with the organization to achieve the organizational objectives. The primary functions of personnel management are divided into two categories:

  • Operative Functions: The activities that are concerned with procurement, development, compensation, job evaluation, employee welfare, utilization, maintenance, and collective bargaining.
  • Managerial Function: Planning, Organizing, Directing, Motivation, Control, and Coordination are the basic managerial activities performed by Personnel Management.

In the last two decades, as the development of technology has taken place and the humans are replaced by machines. Similarly, this branch of management has also been superseded by Human Resource Management.

Difference Between Personnel Management and HRM

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is a specialized and organized branch of management which is concerned with the acquisition, maintenance, development, utilization, and coordination of people at work, in such a manner that they will give their best to the enterprise. It refers to a systematic function of planning for the human resource needs and demands, selection, training, compensation, and performance appraisal, to meet those requirements.

Functions of HRM: Human Resource Management is a continuous process of ensuring the availability of an eligible and willing workforce i.e. putting the right man at the right job. In a nutshell, it is an art of utilizing the human resources of an organization, in the most efficient and effective way. HRM covers a broad spectrum of activities which includes:

  • Employment
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Training and Development
  • Employee Services
  • Salary and Wages
  • Industrial Relations
  • Health and safety
  • Education
  • Working conditions
  • Appraisal and Assessment

Difference between Personnel Management and HRM

Personnel Management BASIS Human Resource Management
Personnel Management is The aspect of management that concerned with the workforce and their relationship with the entity.MeaningHRM(Human Resource Management) is The branch of management that focuses on the most effective and efficient use of the manpower to achieve the organizational goals.
It is Traditional Concept Traditional/Modern  Concept It is a Modern  Concept
Consider only 8 hours Consideration of hoursConsider 24 hours
Consider workforce as Machines or Tools Consideration of workforceConsider workforce as resources
More administrative in nature NatureStrategic in Nature
Immediate concerns are taken care of PerspectiveLong term Consideration
Job Evaluation Basis of PayPerformance Evaluation
Management Role is Transactional Management RoleManagement Role is Transformational
Way of Communication is Indirect Way of Communication Way of Communication is Direct
Collective Bargaining Contracts Labor Management Individual Contracts
Type of Initiatives is Piecemeal. Type of InitiativesType of Initiatives is Integrated.
Management Actions are taken as per Procedure. Management Actions Management Actions are taken as per Business needs.
The decision-Making process is Slow. Decision MakingThe decision-Making process is Fast.
Job Designed usually made based on the Division of Labor. Job DesignJob Designed usually made based on Groups/Teams.
Primarily on mundane activities like employee hiring, remunerating, training, and harmony. FocusTreat manpower of the organization as valued assets, to be valued, used, and preserved.
Mediators: management and employees. ROISecure ROI and growth.

See Also:

Mohammed Ahaduzzaman

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