Medical education in England and Britain explained. A Medic Mind tutor explains the inside of British Medical Education.
Every year the number of students choosing medical education in England and the UK continues to increase, and this is true for foreign students as well, Indeed, a prestigious medical degree in the UK, though requiring a vigorous medic mind, opens up the widest opportunities for successful international employment, continuing education, and research activities, for a stable and high income.
A offers comprehensive assistance with enrolling in medical school. Medic Mind tutoring is second to none; additionally, Medic Mind UCAT help is designed to support the students in the cumbersome process of sending proper documents for enrolling. However, we have noticed that the knowledge of our clients regarding the Medical School structure in the UK often leaves a lot to be desired. Thus, this article was written.
The most important thing about applying to medical schools in the UK
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Medical studies in the UK for international students
The British system of medicine has been leading its history for many centuries: according to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), the country ranks 15th among European countries in terms of medical care and 18th in the world in this parameter.

The United Kingdom is in the TOP-10 world leaders in terms of the level of development of medicine, the use of the latest innovative technologies, the pace of development and scientific research; on the territory of Britain there are world-famous universities and faculties of specialized areas (Oxford, Cambridge, Newcastle University and many others). Medical education in England is prestigious and in demand.
Studying in the UK is also chosen for the reason that a medical degree allows you to get a fairly high salary. Yes, you will have to pay a lot, but the costs will pay for themselves soon after graduation: according to statistics, an ordinary district therapist receives about 44,000 euros a year, and given the higher cost of services in private clinics, even more.
Such a high demand and prestige of medical universities leads to the highest competition among applicants: according to statistics, only about 8% of students are foreigners.
Medical education in England: structure and features
The duration of study as a doctor in England is approximately 7-8 years: under the undergraduate program, a wide range of basic disciplines and areas are studied, from which the main and priority ones are selected in the internship (Foundation), during which active practice and internship begin. The first professional degrees awarded to students who choose to study medicine in England and the UK are Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (similar and often equivalent). After receiving a bachelor’s degree, a student can continue his studies in a chosen or related specialty by going on an internship.
The internship (Foundation), in turn, is divided into two years – F1 and F2; graduation is marked by the receipt of an MB diploma (for specialists in the direction of “Surgery” a diploma of ChB is intended). The Foundation Doctor degree is mandatory for all practicing qualified doctors in Britain: in 2005 it replaced the Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer. From this stage, they also learn to work in a team and acquire time management and IT skills.
During the F1, 3-4 different specialties are being studied; The General Medical Council determines the mandatory set of knowledge that the student must possess after each trimester.
During the F2, an intern focuses on the diagnosis and prevention of acute diseases; teamwork and personnel management, the necessary IT skills, and the ability to allocate time and rank tasks are mastered.
In the United States, an intern is a specialist who has received a medical education, but does not yet have a license to practice medicine independently; in Britain, there is a term similar in meaning to the American intern – Foundation House Officer. Interns practice only under the direction of a licensed physician in an accredited clinic or hospital.
Medical education in England can be obtained by completing GEP express courses (4 years instead of 5-6), but only applicants who have graduated from biological and medical faculties can enroll in an accelerated course. There are exceptions to this rule, but you need to find out about them at each university separately – for example, Cambridge accepts even holders of humanitarian diplomas at the GEP.
General Medical Council
The Special General Medical Council – GMC – is responsible for the certification of specialists and has been working for many years, periodically releasing professional collections of recommendations that are mandatory for students, graduates, and applicants to know.
How to apply to a medical school in England?
Unlike most other universities and high schools, the requirements for applicants to medical school are not limited to a certificate with good grades and results of a language test for knowledge of the English language. You will need at the very least an A-level certificate for the core courses like chemistry and biology, a language testing certificate confirming an advanced level of English, and a mandatory BMAT exam ( Biomedical Admission Test – entrance testing in biochemical sciences). You can simplify your admission process if you prepare in advance, the BMAT Courses can help you with it.
Please note that most specialized universities provide a very small quota for foreigners from non-EU countries, which further complicates the competition for each place. As already mentioned, medical education in England is in great demand among the citizens of the country – and among the whole world.
Pre-university training program in medicine
Foundation or University Pathway (1 academic year) is a course that, upon successful completion, makes it possible to enter the chosen faculty without exams, which is very convenient for foreigners. This program is provided by major educational centers (such as INTO and Study Group). For example, INTO together with St. George’s University of London organizes a six-year program in one of the best-specialized schools: 4 years of study and two years of practice and internships in US clinics. At the end of the course, the student receives the right to work in his specialty in America – and if he passes the GMC certification, then in the United Kingdom.
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