One of the weakest areas of Bangladeshi organization is recruitment. It goes without any solid principle, guidelines or proper organization. The supply of qualified & trained human power is also subtle. Very few organizations have any training facilities. Recruitment without any principle accompanied with little supply of qualified manpower creates a vicious cycle from which the industry can’t get rid of. Poor staff generates poor activity which in turn produces poor quality, inferior productivity, and poorly qualified new staff. It is a misfortune that higher management seems to be not eager to have or to generate qualified employees. In many of the cases, recruitment is done on an arbitrary basis without analyzing the actual needs, the qualifications or suitability they have to possess and the requirements they have to satisfy.
As a result, the staffing situation in the apparel industries is a mess. The recruitment system of any organization is an entry net through which only qualified & expert personnel can enter.
The policy of recruitment should be to induct employees with appropriate qualifications, training, experience, intelligence
, etc. by which they can satisfy the company’s requirements and deliver services the enterprise is in need of.
In order to achieve such a goal, the company must formulate a service requirement for each position. They must stipulate what sort of qualification, training and experience requirements, etc. are necessary. The requirement for personnel should be advertised in the newspaper or other media so that qualified applicants could freely compete for the position. This is now known as the Equal Opportunity principle so that people can be interested based on only qualification, training, experience & other suitability and there is no discrimination in any form.
Employees, where necessary, should undergo written test and viva or a practical test in case of workers. Candidates who successfully pass the interviews & written tests or practical test should be inducted in the company. This is the only way of inducting qualified and suitable employees who form the backbone of an organization and lend to the organization activities that lead to quality and productivity in the enterprise.