Human Resource Management

Selection Process in Human Resource Management (HRM)


Selection Process in Human Resource Management (HRM). The selection process typically follows a standard pattern, beginning Within initial screening, interview and concluding With the final employment decision.

Graphically, the selection process can be drawn as below –

Fig. – The Selection Process

Selection Process in Human Resource Management (HRM)

The selection process consists of eight distinct aspects –

Initial Screening Interview.

The Inst step in the selection process whereby inquiries about a job are screened It is a two steps procedure. It is an excellent opportunity for Human Resource Management to describe the job in detail so the candidates can consider seriously about applying. During the initial screening, it is important to identify the salary range.

It is a two steps procedure –

  1. The screening of inquires.
  2. The provision of the screening interview.

Completion of The Application Term.

The application form gives a job performance-related synopsis of what the applicant has been doing during their adult life, their skills and their. accomplishments. Applications are also useful in that they obtain information the company wants.


Employment Tests.

Intelligence, aptitude, ability and interest tests are needed to provide major input to the selection process. In this step handwriting analysis and honesty, tests have also been used with the attempt to learn more about the candidate.

The Comprehensive Interview.

A selection device in which in-depth information about a candidate can be obtained. The applicant may be interviewed by Human Resource Management interviewers and senior managers. This interview assesses one’s motivation, ability to work under pressure and ability to work under pressure and ability to “fit in” with the organization.

Background Investigation.

This stage contacting former employers to confirm the candidates work record and to obtain their appraisal of his or her performance. Contacting other references and verifying the educational accomplishments are shown in the application. It is also checking credit references and criminal records and even using third-party investigators to do the background check.

Note: Under the: comprehensive Approach, all steps completed Before a baring decision is made: (Source: DeCenzo & Robbin “Human Resource Management?

Conditional Job Offer.

Job offer made to an individual which will become permanent after passing tests such as a substance abuse test. Conditional job offer usually made by an HRM representative.

Physical or Medical Examination.

The physical exam can only be used, who are unable to physically comply with the requirements of a job. It is to show that minimum standards of health exist to enroll in company health and life insurance program.

Final Job Offer.

Those individuals who perform successfully in the preceding steps are now considered to be eligible to receive the employment offer.

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Mohammed Ahaduzzaman