What is 360-degree feedback? 360-degree feedback also called just 360 feedback. 360-degree feedback is an appraisal system that accumulated feedback on an individual from different sources who know him/her. Basically, these might be colleagues, direct reports, and customers.
What Is 360-Degree Feedback?
An appraisal made by top management, immediate superiors, peers, subordinates, self, and customers is called 360 Degree Appraisal. Here, the performance of the employee or manager is evaluated by six parties, including himself. So, he gets feedback on his performance from everyone around him.
Generally, this is used
as a learning and development aid and its main benefit is that it gives
individuals better information about their skills, knowledge, performance, and
working relationships than more traditional appraisal arrangements based on
line managers’ assessment alone.
Six Participants of 360 Degree Appraisal
Top Management
Immediate Supervisor
Advantages of 360 Degree Appraisal
Offer a more comprehensive view of the performance
Improve the credibility of performance appraisal.
Such a colleague’s feedback will help strengthen self-development.
Increases responsibilities of employees to their customers.
The mix of ideas can give a more accurate assessment.
Opinions gathered from lots of staff are sure to be more persuasive.
Undervalued employees are often motivated by feedback from others.
If more staff takes part in the process of performance appraisal, the organizational culture of the company will become more honest.
Disadvantages of 360 Degree Appraisal
Taking a lot of time, and being complex in administration
Extension of exchange feedback can cause troubles and tensions to several staff.
It will be very hard to figure out the results.
Feedback can be useless if it is not carefully and smoothly dealt with.
Can impose an environment of suspicion if the information is not openly and honestly managed.
Pre-requisites of 360 Degree Approach
Essentials of an Organization’s Preparedness for the 360 Degree Approach
Essentials of Analyzing the Candidate’s (Employee’s) Preparedness for the 360 Degree Approach